Success Stories
Enerfees, FR
Janze chickens' power green gas project
The Enerfees project is a territorial-scale project bringing together 55 farmers and several public and private partners – amazing teamwork! The plant is located in Janzé, also home to the famous cooperative “Poulet de Janzé”, producing quality poultry meat with excellent organoleptic properties under the quality assurance “Label Rouge” (Red Label) since 1996. Today the chickens’ manure powers the PowerRing plant with an output equivalent to 90% of the city’s gas consumption with nearly 10,000 inhabitants.
The scale of the project shows the importance of green gas for rural areas and how energy can be produced locally, bringing added value to the region. The plant is mainly fed with manure, slurry, and straw. Additionally, to compensate for seasonal effects, also catch crops are fed. The catch crops are essential in crop rotation by contributing to erosion control and conserving nutrients in the soil. Additionally, the latter protects the environment and water bodies by increasing biodiversity. Overall, environment preservation and energy production can go hand in hand - brilliant.
Enerfees Biomethane Plant
- 400 Nm3/h (119,590 MMBTU/year)
- Feedstock: manure, slurry, straw and as compensation for seasonal effects, catch crops
- Supplied by 55 local cattle and chicken farms
- Providing green gas for France’s gas grid
Project Timeline
- May 2021: Start of earthworks
- 18 months of construction
- February 2023: First gas production
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