Success Stories
Utzenaich, AT
Best of Austria
The Utzenaich plant shows the value in flexibility concerning the digester’s ability to treat different types of feedstock. Designed as a slurry and silage plant, Utzenaich was soon facing rising prices of their main feedstock maize silage. Thanks to our polyvalent ring-in-ring technology, the adaption to a waste-based feedstock ratio was no problem. Today Utzenaich is solely producing its power with slurry and maize straw in summer and adding manure in winter.
Produced electricity is fed into the Austrian grid and the heat of the CHP is utilized to dry wood chips.

Utzenaich Biogas Plant
- 500 kWel CHP (35,401 MMBTU/year)
- Electricity produced can supply approx. 2,000 households
- Changed feedstock over the years
- CHP dries woodchips
Project Timeline
- Built in 2003
- Commissioned in 2004
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