Success Stories
Hradesice, CZ
Fame has its price, but not with the right technology!
This plant is mainly fed by energy crops such as maize silage and ray, but also uses other substrates such as grass, barley, potato pulp, or liquid substrates like whey and slurry.
The digester of this plant was initially designed for a 500 kW CHP unit, but the plant is now operating with a 750 kW CHP. Due to our optimized mixing technology inside, our BIOGEST PowerRing represents the perfect solution for the energy crops’ anaerobic digestion with low self-consumption at the rate of approx. 6%.
With the PowerRing digester, you can make sure to get as much gas as possible out of your substrate before putting it into the last storage tank. Nowadays, the Czech biogas plant has developed to be our most frequently visited plants by customers.

Hradesice Biogas Plant
- 750 kW (53,102 MMBTU/year)
- More than 15,000 t/year of energy crops and 5,000 t of slurry supplied by 1 farm
- Heat and electricity produced is used to run the farm and wood drying
- Low self-consumption rate of 6%
Project Timeline
- May, 2011: Start of earth works
- 6 months of construction time
- December, 2011: First gas production
- February, 2012: CHP start
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